Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dear Donofdc

As I have previously mentioned, an individual who goes by 'thedonofdc' has been blogging on blogspot without the understanding that he is in fact not the don of dc. It could be that his blogging days are over since his last post came this past July, but I do not think he understands what it means to be 'the don.' It is not something that can be used lightly as a joke or a way to promote your blog. You must truly be The Don.

I donned this name years ago, as a college student who realized the true potential of such a glorious name, a name that people would know and never forget. Some may say I'm going too far by calling this impostor out, I would say that I'm not going far enough. This is about pride, passion and the American Dream.

I say to you sir, relinquish your title.