Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dear Donofdc

As I have previously mentioned, an individual who goes by 'thedonofdc' has been blogging on blogspot without the understanding that he is in fact not the don of dc. It could be that his blogging days are over since his last post came this past July, but I do not think he understands what it means to be 'the don.' It is not something that can be used lightly as a joke or a way to promote your blog. You must truly be The Don.

I donned this name years ago, as a college student who realized the true potential of such a glorious name, a name that people would know and never forget. Some may say I'm going too far by calling this impostor out, I would say that I'm not going far enough. This is about pride, passion and the American Dream.

I say to you sir, relinquish your title.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

the Facebook fiasco

As you all know, has now sold its soul to the devil. And the devil is Microsoft. Today, facebook announced that they will open its doors to corporations wishing to have their own profile page for their products. I realize the need for some form of advertisements, but this will bring "news feed [that] will contain items like “Bobby Smith is now a fan of Toyota Prius.”" To me this is a far cry from what facebook used to be. And it seems to becoming what MySpace is now. I'm not sure which is worse though...the corporate pages on facebook or the annoying webcam whores who constantly berate you with friend requests.

Facebook and the sites like it, connect you with old college buddies, co-workers and even your 4th grade Math Teacher. However, it comes at a price now that Mr. Gates has taken over yet another part of the technology sector. Does the average person care about this? Probably not. You can't escape advertisements...they follow you from your TV, to your gmail account, even as you drive your car you see driving billboard cars. I'm not going to tell you to stop using facebook, but i will tell you to stop letting them take over your news feed with the advertisement crap.

Those are my two cents, maybe even canadian cents, because they're actually worth more now.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Walkers Wanted

Just a little complaint of mine, if you have to walk somewhere, stop hogging the damn sidewalk. When 4 people walk in a line, can you please switch over to the Abbey Road Beatles line... I realize that the pictures depicts the formation on the cross walk, please do try to carry this over to your sidewalk adventures. Thanks very much.
Well, I dont know why I decided to post this. It may be because someone out there is blogging under my name. thedonofdc. Thanks to him, I had secure another piece of cyberspace to prevent his take over. Luckily I made an early morning acquisition of another precious .com hardware... Lets see him try to take that away, not bloody likely.

I will begin filling this page with some random opinions, salutes and of course the answer to questions that plague you late at night in your kitchen as you watch T.V.